“Believe in what feels right for you.”

About me
- Applied Psychology MSc (London)
- University degree of social work and social education, graduation with a state-approved diploma in social work and social education
- University degree of social management, graduation as Diplom Social Economist
- Natural Health Professional for Psychotherapy (Permission to offer Psychotherapy granted by the Hildesheim Department of Health)
- Hypnosis Coach and Hypnosis Therapist
- EMDR Certificate
Additional qualifications acquired in New Zealand
- Counsellor
- Life Coach
- Positive Psychology
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy)
- Graduate social worker/pedagogue in various fields and projects:
Youth work, work with girls, pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counselling, general social counselling, migration work, debt counselling, development of various projects in social work, many years of management experience - Several years of residence in New Zealand with the following positions:
- German teacher and transcription reader
- Volunteer at a foodbank
- Social Worker (Catholic Social Services)
- Homestay Coordinator
- Private practice for counselling in Wellington (2013 - 2018)
- Since my return to Germany owner of a Psychological Private Practice
My philosophy
The cornerstone of my work is to offer an appreciative framework at eye level for the concerns of my clients. I will approach you empathetically, openly, sincerely and with interest and attention. You will find a space in which you can build trust and find acceptance.
Your concerns come first for me!